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TMS Student Handbook: 

Student Handbook (Docx)



Parents and guardians are required to notify Taylor in writing, in person or via phone call each day their child is absent. Parents will have five (5) days to notify our attendance secretary.

Arrival and Dismissal Times

Parents are requested not to send their children to school before 8:00 a.m. This request is made for safety reasons as there is no supervision on the school grounds until this time. Students are permitted in front of the science building and basketball area only and may not enter the halls/classrooms until 8:10 a.m. Students may enter the cafeteria at 8:00 am to eat breakfast but are not allowed in the rest of school until 8:10. School is dismissed at 3:05 p.m. Students should leave campus as soon as school is dismissed unless they are participating in an activity.

Attendance Procedures

New Mexico law dictates that students between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) years of age are mandated to attend public school, private school, home school, or a State institution. Daily attendance is mandatory for students to benefit to the fullest from the instructional program. The District recognizes, however, that there are situations that dictate a student’s absence. Therefore, in accordance with District guidelines, absences may be excused for the following reasons: Illness or medical appointments; family emergency; and religious commitment. An unexcused absence is any absence that does not adhere to the prescribed District guidelines (listed above), is not school-related, or is not reported within five (5) school days. Excessive excused or unexcused absences (defined as 4.5 per semester) or more absences per semester may result in a recommendation for retention and/or disciplinary action. Students who have excessive absences will be referred to Children’s Court.

Student Sign-out Procedures

Parent permission is required if a student leaves school during the day; students must first report to the attendance office. Parents must pick up their child(ren) in the administration office.


Students arriving late to school must report to the office. Students detained in the office or by a teacher during school hours need a pass before going to the next class. Repeated tardiness will result in consequences.

Cell Phones

Students are not allowed to have cell phones on or visible during the school day. The school day begins with the first bell at 8:15 and ends with the dismissal bell at 3:05 pm. Phones that are visible will be confiscated by a staff member. Students are discouraged from bringing cell phones to school because we cannot guarantee their security from theft on campus. The school assumes NO responsibility for the theft or recovery of cell phones from backpacks or lockers. Consequences for having a visible or powered on cell phone are as follows:

  • 1st offense – confiscation and phone returned to parent at the end of the school day.
  • 2nd offense – confiscation and phone returned to parent after seven days.
  • 3rd offense – confiscation and phone returned to parent at the end of the current semester.

Dress Code Policy

Per APS Student Behavior Handbook, “Students dress and grooming is to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school.” Students are expected to adhere to any dress policy that has been adopted at their school.


Clothing Type Acceptable NOT Acceptable

Shirts with sleeves

Tank tops, tube tops, spaghetti strap shirts, shirts that show midriff/crop tops


Denim, khaki, cotton, joggers, sweatpants, etc.

  • Pants with holes, cut, ripped or frayed
  • Baggy/saggy pants
Leggings / Tights

Solid color leggings/tights under a skirt only

Leggings/yoga pants that are not under skirt


Solid color skirts – fingertip length*

Camouflage material


Zippered, buttoned

Logos (see below) **


Pullover or hoodies

Hoods, Hats, Sunglasses in the building

Other -

Bandanas, studded clothing or anything that reveals undergarments

* Shorts & skirts must be at least fingertip length when arms are fully extended but no longer than the bend of the knee.

**Logos Not Allowed Logos which suggest, advertise, display or promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sexual activity, violence, profanity, negative behaviors, disrespect, gang-related and/or bigotry are not acceptable.

** Open toe shoes are discouraged

Dress Code Violations

If students come to school out of dress code, teachers will send students to the office to call home for a change of clothes. If someone is unable to bring a change of clothes, they will borrow something from the clothing bank. Continuing violations will receive progressive discipline consequences. Clothing assistance may be available to those families in most need.