Counselors are here to help students in the academic setting. Their purpose is to assist with problems of school studies, personal relationships and with class schedules. Please make an appointment to see a counselor by filling out appointment slips that are available in the counseling office. The counselor may be contacted at 898-3666 x 41105.
Guidance and Counseling services are provided by a licensed mental health professional. Students, parents, teachers, and staff may consult with the counselor on a confidential basis. If a student is not feeling happy or successful at school, the counselor may be of help.
Services Provided
- Consulting with community members
- Individual counseling sessions with students upon referral
- Small group counseling
- Classroom guidance lessons at teacher request
When a child is referred for counseling services, the counselor will contact the parents/guardians before counseling sessions begin.
Meet the counselor to discuss any of the following:
- Friendships & Relationships
- Family changes
- Grief issues
- Mistreatment
- Mediation
- Safety concerns (for yourself or others)
Contact Information
- Stacey Kwiatkowski
Phone: (505) 898-3666 ex: 41105
Hours: 8:00 to 3:15
Student Counselor Contact Form
Parent Counselor Contact Form
- NM Crisis Line
- CYFD New Mexico
- APS Counseling Services
- Kindness Resources
- Homeless Resource
- Food Resources
- Mental Health Resources (PDF)
- Tele Health Resource List (PDF)
- NM Dept. of Health- COVID-19 Information
- Grab and Go Meals
- Clothing Resources
- APS Technology Service Desk
- Rent Assistance in ABQ_Bernco (PDF)
- Beck Helplines-edited-2019-09-26 (PDF)
- Stop Bullying